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Emmanuelle Billard
PhD student in co-tutoring between University of Algarve and Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Co-supervisors: Myriam Valero, Ester Serrão

Home address when in France:
5 rue du Docteur Louis Bagot
29680 ROSCOFFF, France
Phone: (33).

Lab address when in France:
"Evolution et Genetique des Populations Marines"
Station Biologique de Roscoff,
Centre d'études d'océanographie et de biologie marine,
UMR-CNRS 7127, B.P.74
Place Georges Teissier
29682 ROSCOFF cedex
Phone: (33) 2 98 29 23 28
Fax: (33) 2 98 29 23 36

Academic qualifications
July 2004: Summer course in population genetic data analysis, European Institute in Statistical Genetics, Univ. Algarve, Faro.

Jan. 2004: Courses of ‘Modelisation in Biology’ and ‘Genetics and Evolution of Marine Organisms’ at the University of Montpellier

July 2002: DEA (Post graduation) of Ecology, Ethology and Evolution, University of Rennes 1.

June 2001: Master’s degree of Biology of Populations and Ecosystems, University of Rennes 1 and University of Thessaloniki, Greece,

June 2000: Degree of Biology of Organisms

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