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Sophie Arnaud-Haond
PhD 2000, University of Montpellier II, France
Post-doctoral fellow

Centro de Ciências do Mar
Faculdade de Ciencias do Mar e Ambiente (F.C.M.A.)
Universidade do Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
P-8005-139 Faro, Portugal

Tel : (351) 289 800 928
Fax: (351) 289 800 069

Research interests:

  • Dispersal and barriers to gene flow in marine environment, implications on the evolution of marine organisms.
  • Influence of mating system and clonality on the ecology and evolution of populations and species
  • Selective pressures, genetic load, and the evolution of selected polymorphism in natural populations.
  • Conservation of threatened species or habitats, and impact of anthropogenic disturbances or activities on the evolution and fate of populations or species

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