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Rita Borges
Post-doctoral Fellow

Faculdade de Ciencias do Mar e Ambiente (F.C.M.A.)
Universidade do Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
P-8005-139 Faro, Portugal

Tel : (351) 289 800 900 (ext. 7408)
Fax: (351) 289 818 353

2006 PhD in Marine Ecology. Universidade Algarve, Faro. “Composition, temporal and spatial patterns of very-nearshore larval fish assemblages at the Arrábida Marine Park”. PhD thesis.

1996 MSc in Ethology Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada. ISPA, Lisboa.: “Influência de Estímulos Sociais no Comportamento e Níveis Urinários de Esteróides Sexuais de Machos de Oreochromis mossambicus Peters (Pisces: Cichlidae)”. MSc Thesis.

1993 Licenciatura. Faculdade de Ciências Universidade Lisboa.. Ichthyodinium chabelardi (Hollande & Cachon, 1952), dinoflagelado parasita dos ovos de sardinha. Relatório de Estágio. FCUL, Lisboa.

    Research interests
  • Larval fish distribution patterns and their influence on recruitment of temperate reef fish.
  • Factors affecting the dispersal of costal fish larvae
  • Larval fish behaviour and its influence on recruitment patterns
  • Importance of habitat structure on larval biodiversity and settlement
  • Use of genetic tools to validate larval fish identifications

Current Post Doctoral project
“Patterns of larval supply and habitat selection by reef fish larvae at the Arrábida Marine Park, with contributions to larval fish identifications”.
I am interested in understanding factors affecting larval fish distribution and retention nearshore and the importance of larval settlement habitats like seagrasses and rocky bottoms in fish recruitment and biodiversity, with implications for Marine Protected Areas management. I am also interested in descriptions of nearshore fish larvae and in clarifying identification problems using genetics.

My postdoc is funded by a Postdoctoral Fellowship (SFRH/BPD/23743/2005), from FCT, Portuguese Science Federation, Portugal.
Coordinator: Ass. Prof. Ester Serrão, University of Algarve; Prof. Emanuel Gonçalves, ISPA.

Research projects

Member of team of the “Life Project” BIOMARES- Restoration and Management of Biodiversity in the Marine Park Site Arrábida-Espichel(PTCON0010).

Member of team: 38350/BSE/2001 –"Monitoring of rocky shore fish communities using non-destructive methods".

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